Monday, May 11, 2015
- Three Continents
Yes, it’s true! I’ve started again to a new bike adventure: Africa. On the 1st of May i left my mothers home. The farewell was not easy. Just to know, that you won’t see your family for a long time. And another thing made me sad: it was raining cats and dogs when i left home!

Fortunately the way to my first stay (at my sisters flat) was only 2 bike hours away. But still enough to get complete wet! The warm shower and food gave me new power. Right on the next day it was time to say goodbye to my sister.

The bike way along the Glatt river was closed due to flooding. But somehow i found my way to Bossikon, where Pascal, Stefania and her son Rico hosted me for another rainy night.

This time the rain gave me some fresh power to cycle up my first big climb from the Lake of Zurich to the monastery in Einsiedeln where Claudius, my colleague, waited for me. We visited the church and he invented me to the restaurant for a hot pizza. Simple things can make cyclists very happy! Claudius went back home on bike and i enjoyed the long descent to Richterswil, where Rahel and Sebastian were waiting for me.

After another excellent night of hospitality Rahel accompanied for some few kilometers to eat lunch together with Sebastian in Lachen.

On the way through the Prättigau i had 2 more nice meetings with friends. One time in Saas with Otto and his family and the other day with Wim, Nadine and her son Noah. A nice last homestay in Switzerland.

Can i manage the Flüelapass (2’389 metres) with my bike? The answer is very simple: yes, i can! I don’t know how heavy my vehicle is but it seems to be made for big mountains.
The ride through Switzerland was a nice start and i will definitely miss a lot of things on my ongoing trip to Africa.
Thanks a lot to all my friends, who hosted me the last few days. I will miss you guys!