

"Where are you going?" Asked the customer representative at the border crossing on entry to Croatia. "To Africa," I answered. He made me laugh, gave me back my passport and just said, "Good luck!".

After a few hours I experience Zagreb - the capital of Croatia. I was overwhelmed by this city from the beginning. The Mirogoj is the biggest cement yard of Zagreb. It took me more than an hour to cycle through the hole area.

I decided to cycle along the Sava. Right in Sisak, the first city to Zagreb, I had a fantastic encounter. Actually I wanted to visit the fortress Sisak. Shortly after I was there, a bicycle group arrived. Immediately after eating pizza. Ksenija, a member of the group, organized all the remaining nights for me in Croatia. I was overwhelmed!

The road along the Sava leads through the Lonjsko Polje National Park. Many threatened birds (white and black stork, spoonbill, night heron and lesser spotted eagle) use this park as breeding ground.

In Jasenovac I visited the museum about the concentration camp and the monument. In the Second World, concentration and extermination camps were used in the United States (NDH).

On the way to Nova Gradiška I was invited by Marko and his wife.

The next two nights were my favorite in Croatia. Both times Ksenija had organized for me. Together with my host in Slavonski After that it was time to say goodbye. Hvala Hrvatska!